Summer is an exciting time for anyone. The days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are known as the “100 deadliest days of summer” and come with considerable risks on the road. While you may have big plans for summer this year, it is important to plan for your safety as well. While you may have heard about where are the riskiest areas to drive in during these days, you may not have heard about why. Here are a few factors that can contribute to the danger on a summer road:
Poor road conditions
Between winter snow and ice, and spring storms, the road conditions that remain in the summer can be challenging to drive in. Sudden potholes and other deterioration on the road can become considerably dangerous, especially when you do not see the hazards on a busy highway.
Road construction
Summer is also the best time for a construction crew to fix the damage to the road from the weather, add new roads, and make other changes to the road. These construction zones can catch unaware drivers by surprise, causing them to suddenly brake or swerve to avoid a road worker.
Drunk drivers
Summer is filled with holidays and gatherings that can result in more drunk drivers on the road. Keep an eye out for these drivers by looking for swerving, speeding or other signs of drunkenness while driving to avoid getting into an accident with them.
Vacationing families
Summer is the prime season for a family road trip. While these trips are the perfect way to develop summer memories, they can also be full of dangerous distractions. Upset kids in the car, eating while driving, speeding to a destination and driver fatigue can all add up to a considerably dangerous driver.
Stay safe this summer
When you are on the roads this summer, keep in mind that there are extra dangers during the 100 deadliest days of summer. Stay vigilant while driving and you can keep yourself safe while driving.