Where Injured People Come First

How can people cover the costs of a hit-and-run crash?

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

There are many different types of crashes possible, ranging from sideswipes to head-on collisions. Drivers involved in crashes have a legal obligation to stop afterward. They need to check on the other people involved.

Depending on what transpired, they may need to contact local authorities. Collisions involving significant property damage or injury to others require a formal report filed with local law enforcement authorities. The police officer responding to the scene of the crash investigates, speaks to the drivers involved and writes up a report.

The details included in an accident report can influence the allocation of fault. The driver at fault for a crash may have to take financial responsibility for the losses of the other driver(s). They may face citations and other consequences. Some people try to drive off to avoid responsibility. How do people secure compensation after a hit-and-run crash?

By identifying the other driver

Just because someone flees the scene of the crash does not automatically rule out identifying them. Witnesses, details about the vehicle or even camera footage can help identify a hit-and-run driver.

The people left at the scene of the crash need to contact local authorities to report the incident. Police officers can then investigate the collision. Provided that they identify the vehicle and the driver, the people affected by the hit-and-run crash can request compensation. If the driver does not have an insurance policy or if the losses are significant, the injured parties may be able to file a lawsuit against the driver who caused the wreck.

By using their own insurance coverage

Most drivers carry primarily liability insurance. Liability coverage only pays in scenarios where the policyholder is at fault for an incident.

However, some people have comprehensive or collision coverage on their policies. Many drivers also add uninsured and underinsured motorist protection to their liability policies. Drivers who have supplemental coverage may be able to use their own insurance to pay for collision expenses.

Individuals who need to file lawsuits or pursue complex insurance claims after car crashes often need support. Finding the party at fault and reviewing crash details can be a good starting point for those hoping to recover their losses after a crash.